All Volunteer enquires please email the Show Team on edinburghcatclubshow22@gmail.com
All cat shows rely on volunteer help throughout the day. Our show on Saturday, 16th September 2023 is no different. Having a sufficient number of helpers makes everything runs smoothly. While some exhibitors help when they can most volunteers do not enter the show. Previous experience isn’t required. The only qualification is you like cats! You can learn as you go and there are people on hand to guide you on the day.
For most roles helpers are required to be at venue – Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh before judging commences at 10am sharp. Exceptions might be made by prior arrangement with the Show Manager. Most volunteers arrive between 8-8:30am.
Getting here: https://www.qmu.ac.uk/location-and-getting-here/
Help is always required for the following:
- Setting up the show on the Friday afternoon / evening
- Working on the entry door dealing with tickets and catalogue
- Administration table – administration of classes, rosettes and trophies
- Handing out tally envelopes to exhibitors (pen number etc.)
- Stewarding of the vetting-in process before the show begins
- Stewarding for judges – for individuals with previous show experience
- Show slip runners – pinning slips to the results board
- Distribution of rosettes
- General help on the day
- Transport for judges returning to stations and airports
- Clearing the hall after the show
We also need donations for the raffle and tombola, and sponsorship for Best in Show and Best of Variety prizes, and donations from local businesses are welcome right up until the day of the show. We can arrange local collection in and around Edinburgh.
Finding out more about helping is easy. Contact the Club on edinburghcatclubshow22@gmail.com
Dress is casual – wear what’s comfortable. With the exception of administration workers, most volunteers spend the day on their feet. The show normally finishes between 4-5pm.